
Welcome to my 880 course blog. I will be updating you weekly on the progress I am making in the computer lab. I am a nurse by profession and an educator by choice. I love nursing and I am pasionate about helping others to reach their full potential. I believe we can be anything we desire if we believe it enough it can come true. I strive to be the best educator I can be. This means learning to take risks and when you fall, get back up and swim upstream again. I hope you enjoy your stay with me.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 2 in the lab

Well grad school is starting to get the better of me. I forgot to make my post last week after lab so I am doing it now prior to my third lab. Week 2 was a little smoother. I wasn't as nervous. I started my day with downloading software on a grad student’s computer. The task itself wasn't too overly challenging but after getting into the room and finding they had other issues for me to resolve really made me think about all the times I grabbed our computer guy over in Grover to help with one thing and ended up asking for way more. I sure do appreciate him (Mark- if you are viewing this- it is you). Anyway, I was able to assist with installing a printer. It wasn't like when you install a printer at home where you just plug it in and run a cd. I had to search on the internet for the correct model of printer and get the number to initiate the printer. I then printed a test page. It felt like when I had just finished my first 5k run. Although, I stumbled through it at times, I was proud I was able to finish it and in this case the grad student was happy and able to get back to work.

     My entire day wasn't so blessed. I was asked to assist the grad student that was working to go offer help to an instructor who was having computer difficulties. We were unable to get the correct password to open her system. Scott had a meeting and since he is the brains in the lab, we had to wait to finish the task. When all was said and done, the issue was resolved.

    I was hungry so imagine my relief when Scott asked me to go on a fishing trip for him. I was to go to Baker and search for an instructor or his student who needed to borrow a computer for a coaching program. I went (drove because I still cannot handle the walk from Grover to McCrackin) to baker.  I said a little prayer, as I do before all of my fishing trips, and was relieved that I didn’t fish too long without getting a glimpse of some coach type people sitting at a table. I went over to them and started asking; sure enough they were coaching students. They didn’t know the student I was looking for so I still needed to look around. Eventually, I was able to find the student who needed the computer. I had time to grab a quick bite to eat while I was there as well.

    The remainder of my day involved cleaning. I was just making sure the monitors were clean. I really didn't have anything to kill the germs that must be larking on the computer key boards and mouses'. Ugh, as a nurse I need to wash my hands to feel safe and I was watching students repeatedly tough their face, pens, keyboards over and over. I just wanted to scream, GERMS really big but decided against it. I have decided to just do my part in keeping the germs down and hopefully prevent someone from getting ill this flu season. I am looking forward to my next five hours and wondering what adventures I may get in.

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