Today seemed to go on forever. The lab was slow. I think it is a little of the mid-quarter blues sneaking up on me. The deadlines for assignments are approaching and my students are also getting stressed out and needing extra time. Yesterday, the movers came to Grover to help me get all of my nursing lab supplies that we had stored upstairs into the lab. I came in early today to unpack and sort through boxes prior to coming here. I need to change my mindset!
My excitement today involved assisting 2 grad students with getting their computers to print. I had to go to the website of the home computer and obtain the address for the printer and the host name. I then had to go into the computer and remove the existing printer that did not work. I went through the steps multiple times to add the computer and it would not work. Scott was sitting beside me working on the second computer and it worked great. We tried together many times and it would not work. The students agreed that they would not need both printing that if one would work then that would be all right.
Another task of the day involved assisting another student in the lab with creating tables on a document. She wasn't sure what to do after she opened it. I was glad to be able to show her something. I really was wondering if I knew more than anyone else. My nursing background has limited me from the technology experiences beyond what I was required to do for my employers. I am now learning from assisting others and surprising myself about what I do actually know. I have learned a lot from my second course this quarter EDCT 501. I hope to continue to grow by leaps and bounds.
One final task for today as assisting my friend with her adobe connect. I showed her how to check black board for her browser check. We then found that her adobe had become disabled. We then enabled it and through much trial and error were able to get it to work. Thankfully, Scott happened to be here when we started having headphone issues. It seems that my headphones work but only if I use the headphones without the attached microphones. My computer has a built in microphone and that is how I am working.
Overall, today was productive. I am learning and absorbing more than I thought I would. I am looking forward to more.... next week.